Friday 8 April 2016

Lo3 Important Dates.

Campaign release date Summer 2016

The camera should be released just before the summer of 2016 because summer is when many extreme sports will be very popular and therefore the camera will get more sales.

I think the perfect release date for the campaign would be March 24th 2016 as it would give us time to see how much people are interested with the camera.

The actual camera will be released to the public on the 30th of may.

Lo3 Recce

Lo3 Budget

The printing cost and the delivery will cost £95.59

This will get us a 100 B1 posters to use.

The photographer costs are £250-£400 a day

Camera is already available as I own one but otherwise it would cost £1379.99 brand new.
The Explorer Action Camera would cost £269 but I already have that available.

Lo3 Production plan

Monday 4 April 2016

LO3 Pre-Production and Visualisation of Ideas

Closeup of the product on a sportsman's goggles. The background will be a mountain shot which will show the audience that this is a ski/snowboarding advert for which this camera is perfect. The add will also have the main needed info about the product listed by the side of the image.

My inspiration for the print add.

Sketch of the final idea.